Extra Patrol Request

Extra Patrol Request

Extra patrols may be requested if you are going on vacation or if you feel a certain area is in need of a stronger law enforcement presence. Extra patrol requests should be no more than 2 weeks in length.

If you would like to request our officers come by your residence, business or neighborhood more often, please complete the form below.

Once we receive your request, we’ll notify our personnel and have our officers spend some extra time in the area requested.

If you have any additional questions or are having trouble with the form feel free to contact us through email or phone.

Extra Patrol Request Form

Please include the following additional information as necessary:

  • Authorized visitors to your home
  • Vehicles parked in the driveway
  • Neighbors that we may contact (Neighbors can often help identify suspicious persons/behavior)
  • For non-vacation extra patrol requests, include specific times, locations, and any suspicious incidents you have noted.

(Please note: A submit click will record and include your computer’s IP Address with the submission)

The Putnam County Sheriff’s Dept. will always work diligently to provide as much extra patrol as possible. Due to the unpredictable nature of Law Enforcement, we can not guarantee when and how much extra patrol will be provided for each request. As such, the Putnam County Sheriff’s Dept. assumes no liability for loss or damage to property during the specified dates.

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