Clerk's Office

Clerk's Office - Circuit & Superior Court - Voter Registration

Welcome from Your Putnam County Circuit Court Clerk Tracy L. Bridges

Civil Complaints under $10,000.00 Criminal Cases Divorce’s – Divided Equally Sup/Cir Mortgage Foreclosure Traffic infractions Pay Traffic tickets Small Claims Superior Court Filing Fee Schedule Local Court Rules

Pro Se Desk Information Civil complaints over $10,000 Criminal Cases Divorces – Divided Equally Cir/Sup Adoption/Paternity Guardianship/Estates Child Support-Information Ciruit Court Filing Fee Schedule Local Court Rules

Information – Stacia Hathaway You may register to vote for this Election if: You are a citizen of the United States You will be 18 years of age by Election Day You will have been a resident of your precinct for 30 days before the election and you are not currently in prison after being convicted of a felony. Absentee Voting

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