The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) is the local government body empowered by State Law to consider granting relief from the requirements of the County’s Zoning Ordinance. The BZA’s duties fall into three categories:

  1. Granting of Variances
  2. Development Standard Variances; and
  3. Variances of use
  4. Granting of Special Exceptions
  5. Appeals from Administrative Decisions


The board is comprised of five members, whose term of service is four years. Per IC 36-7-4-920(g), a person may not communicate with any member of the board before the hearing with intent to influence the member's action on a matter pending before the board. Not less than five (5) days before the hearing, however, the staff (as defined in the zoning ordinance), if any, may file with the board a written statement setting forth any facts or opinions relating to the matter.

BZA Members

  • Raymond McCloud – President
  • Kevin Scobee – Vice President
  • Randy Bee
  • Lora Scott
  • Ron Sutherlin

Rules of Procedures


The February, March, April, and October meetings were cancelled.

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